
Jumat, 01 April 2011

How do you create content for your blog ?

I find a large number of new bloggers struggle when they think about writing blog content on a regular basis and I thought I would call upon my fellow bloggers and ask the question - how do you create content for your blog?
There are a number of great ways to keep the content ideas flowing and here are a few I use on a regular basis:

YouTube video
A nice easy way to find content. Use one of your keywords to search for video content. Create your keyword title of your blog post, add a paragraph before explaining what it is you want to talk about then add the video then include a paragraph or two after. Nice and simple.

Utility Poster
This wonderful tool (which is free for Blog Success members) takes a keyword and finds content related to it on the internet that you can then use in a blog post. I wrote a blog post on how to reduce the bounce rate on your blog - and at the end of the article you will see the heading "other great blog posts about reducing your bounce rate" - which links out to four blog posts which can help. Utility Poster is a great way to create content for a blog and members have seen some amazing results using it - finding themselves at the top of the search engines for major keywords.

News Sites
I often use news sites and what is happening in a particular niche to create content. If you can relate something in your niche to what a celebrity is doing that always makes for great reading. Also it keeps people informed about news changes and things that are going on. You can also start a great discussion/debate using news items.

Private label rights
Private label rights (PLR) is content that has been created with the right to be used as your own (and the own of the other 1,000 people who bought it!) I never use PLR content as it is and will rewrite it and change a lot of it but I find it great for helping with creating content for a blog.

Quote of the day/Motivational Message
Love reading and sharing powerful and motivational quotes so I use those on my blog but they make it hard to write a full blog post so I might write a little about why I am sharing it - and sometimes I just go ahead and share it as it is!

Other people's articles from article sites
I used this a lot as a new blogger but not so much now. It is still great if you are stuck for what to write about. Include an article and add it to your "guest bloggers" section (which is essential what they are!) and people will be impressed that you have guest bloggers writing for you.

Google Alerts
Great way to get alerts in your niche area and other areas related to your niche. You create a keyword phrase and Google sends you an email whenever something is written using that phrase. Sometimes the content sent is way off base but on the whole a lot of it is useful information.
So they are my seven ways that I use to generate content for my blog. How about you?
Do you have any other ways that you use? Or do you have any comments about anything I have written? Let me know in the comments section below.

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