1. Sleep
Currently experiencing headaches, sleep is an easy and appropriate solution. Sleep can help meri ... ngankan headaches and refresh the body back.
2. Drinking black tea
The antioxidants in black tea, can help relieve headaches due to overheating. When compared to green tea, black tea contains more effects that can relieve pain in the head.
3. Headaches are often caused by dehydration or lack of body fluids. Drinking enough water, can relieve pain in the head. Besides drinking water, people have to get a headache enough food. It is important to help stabilize body functions as usual, so it can relieve headaches.
4. Looking for some fresh air
Fresh and cool air to reduce tension in the head, which in turn can also relieve headaches.
5. Use a damp cloth
Paste the damp cloth on the forehead for several minutes and then try to lie. It damp cloth will ease tensions in the head. In addition to fabric, you can also use cold or wet towels.
6. Use cold water
Besides drinking, cold water that was stuck behind the ear and the base of the neck can also relieve tension in the head.
7. Create an ice bag
By creating and putting an ice bag using plastic or other bag on the head, can effectively relieve pain in the head.
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