
Sabtu, 02 April 2011

Managing Your List Building Activities

maraOnce you begin the process of list building and you have subscribers on your list you want to do your best to keep them there so they become loyal customers by buying your products or the affiliate products you recommend. The best way to do that is by being yourself, by being careful not to blast them with too many emails and by making sure that you are always providing quality content.

Be Yourself

Many bloggers feel as though they need to be someone else when they send emails to their subscribers. They take on a persona they believe their subscribers are expecting. This is a big mistake and it's a good way to get your emails thrown in the trash bin. Plus it means you always need to remember the stories you make up!

Tip Eliminate Headaches Without Medication

Headaches can affect anyone. To relieve the pain right there are a few steps. Get to know the cause first and try some of these tips.

1. Sleep
Currently experiencing headaches, sleep is an easy and appropriate solution. Sleep can help meri ... ngankan headaches and refresh the body back.

2. Drinking black tea
The antioxidants in black tea, can help relieve headaches due to overheating. When compared to green tea, black tea contains more effects that can relieve pain in the head.

Jumat, 01 April 2011

How do you create content for your blog ?

I find a large number of new bloggers struggle when they think about writing blog content on a regular basis and I thought I would call upon my fellow bloggers and ask the question - how do you create content for your blog?
There are a number of great ways to keep the content ideas flowing and here are a few I use on a regular basis:

YouTube video
A nice easy way to find content. Use one of your keywords to search for video content. Create your keyword title of your blog post, add a paragraph before explaining what it is you want to talk about then add the video then include a paragraph or two after. Nice and simple.